Karamoja, Sebei And West Pokot Leaders Express Commitment To Peacebuilding And Co-Existence

Leaders from Karamoja, Sebei (Republic of Uganda) and West Pokot (Republic of Kenya) have expressed commitment towards peacebuilding and co-existence following the signing of a joint communique on mediation and consultations between the Pokot of West Pokot County (Kenya), Pokot of Amudat, the Sabiny, the Pian of Nakapiripirit and Nabilatuk districts.   This follows a…

Speech By Pastor Patience Museveni Rwabwogo At The 13th Annual Tarehe Sita Thanksgiving Prayer Breakfast

The President of the Republic of Uganda, the Minister of Defence and Veteran Affairs, the Chief of Defence Forces, the UPDF fraternity the Right Honourable Prime Ministers emeritus, Members of Parliament, brothers and sisters, ladies and gentlemen.   I’m deeply honoured to be with you today as you celebrate the 13th Tarehe Sita Thanksgiving Service…