Brig Gen Emmanuel Rwashande inspects a dental department at Mpandae LV II Hosp in Zanzibar during the ongoing 4th EAC CIMIC week
UPDF medics participating in the on-going 4th edition of the rotational EAC Armed Forces Civil Military Cooperation (CIMIC) activities in Tanzania have today been urged to serve beyond self, ensure standards and satisfy the needs of patients.

Private Nalubega Florence offering antenatal care to an expectant mother at Mpandae LV II Hospital in Zanzibar in the 4th EAC CIMIC week
These remarks were made by the UPDF Chief for CIMIC Brig Gen Emmanuel Rwashande as he inspected departments of the ongoing medical camp at Mpendae Level II Hospital in

Left to right. Dr.Ahmad Hamis, Col Dr.Ambrose Oiko, Dr.Ramadhan Mikikali and Brig Gen Emmanuel Rwashande in award at Mpandae LV II Hospital in Zanzibar
He was guided by Dr. Ahmad Hamis and UPDF CIMIC Deputy Contingent commander and head medical component, Col Dr. Ambrose Oiko.
Brig Gen Rwashande inspected the Dental and Eye care unit, examination/consultation room, pharmacy and theatre among others.

UPDF, TPDF and health officials conduct public health education to households in Mpandae village in Zanzibar as part of 4th EAC CIMIC week
The same UPDF CIMIC contingent was also involved in public health sensitisation activities in the community.
Headed by Maj Godfrey Kashaka from the UPDF and deputized by Capt Hope Stanley Dagaa from the Tanzania Peoples’ Defence Forces (TPDF), CIMIC teams also distributed dozens of mosquito nets to households and conducted public health lectures on streets and wards of Mpendae at the coastal town of Zanzibar region.

Brig Gen Emmanuel Rwashande in an examination room at Mpandae LV II Hospital in Zanzibar during 4th EAC CIMIC week