Major General Bakasumba Emphasizes The Importance Of Regional Security Mechanisms

The Chief of Staff – Land Force, Major General Jack Bakasumba has reiterated the importance of robust regional security mechanisms in coordinating and strengthening partnerships between neighbouring militaries.   Maj Gen Bakasumba made the remarks today during an interface with a delegation of Directing Staff and Students from the Zambia Defence Services Command and Staff…

Regional Co-operation And Intelligence Sharing Key In Addressing Security Concerns – Major General Birungi

The Chief of Military Intelligence, Major General James Birungi has underscored the importance of regional efforts in addressing issues of mutual security concern and tackling the threats of terrorism, drugs, human trafficking and money laundering among others.   This was contained in his speech that was delivered on his behalf by the Commandant National Counter…

Co-operation In Defence And Security Is Crucial In Facilitating Socio-economic Transformation In East African Region – Major General Don Nabasa

Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) and Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) have held the third Joint Defence Committee Meeting (JDC) in Mbale Resort Hotel, Mbale. The 3rd JDC is a follow-up of the second which was held in March 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya.   The two days meeting (17-18 August) was chaired by 3 Division Commander,…

General Mbadi And Lieutenant General Walker Discuss Deepening Levels Of Defence Co-operation

The Chief of Defence Forces, General Wilson Mbasu Mbadi has today held discussions with Lieutenant General Roly Walker, the Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff (Military Strategy and Operations) for His Majesty’s Armed Forces (United Kingdom) at a meeting held at the Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs Headquarters, Mbuya. General Mbadi and his counterpart…