Your Support To UPDF Is Crucial For Our Existence And Success of ATMIS – Brig Gen Felix Kulayigye To Somalis

SouthWest Federal State-Somalia: The Defence Spokesperson, Brigadier General Felix Kulayigye has commended the support and existing cordial relationship between the Somalis and the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces serving in Somalia under African Transition Mission in Somalia.   He said this while meeting Somali local authorities at Uganda Battle Group 37 Headquarters in Celjaale, Somalia where…

UPDF EACRF Contingent Engages International Researchers On Management Of Children In Armed Conflict

Colonel Michael Walaka Hyeroba, the Commander of the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces Contingent under the East African Community Regional Force has today received a joint team of researchers from Save the Children and the International Peace Support Training Centre – Kenya (IPSTC) who are on a research engagement at the Uganda Contingent headquarters, Niongera in…

Joint Patrols In Bulumarer Town Conducted To Allay Fears Of Al-Shabaab Attack

Troops from the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), Somali Security Forces (SSF), and Local Authorities, based in Bulumarere district 123Kms Southwest of Mogadishu city, patrolled the streets of Bulumarere for confidence building and allay fears of Al-Shabaab attack.   While interacting with town dwellers, Maj Donald Naijuka, the ATMIS commanding officer Bulumarer Forward…