NDC South-Western team in a group photograph with Pearl Dairy Farm Ltd staff on 20 June 2022
The National Defence College – Uganda (NDC-U) course participants, headed by the college secretary Brig Gen Simon Ochan on a study tour to the South and Western Uganda have ended their day one out of one-week long tour in Mbarara.

NDC South- Western team on a study tour at AGDI Dairy farm on 20 June 2022
The team started its day at AGDI dairy farm Ltd owned by Retired Col Dick Bujingo who took them around and showed them the entire set up of commercial dairy farming.

Col (rtd) Dick Bugingo educating NDC South- Western team on a cheap and manual machine for making animal feeds on 20 June 2022
The farm offers skilled training in dairy entrepreneurship and employment, breeding for quality and increased production, production of animal feeds for higher yields and many more.

Mr. Tumusiime from AGDI Dairy Farm lecturing NDC South – Western team on 20 June 2022
The tour is aimed at orienting the course participants on what happens in various sectors such as Agriculture, industry, ICT, services and infrastructure which are drivers of security, stability and economic development.

Ms. Cecilie lecturing the NDC South-Western team on 20 June 2022
They also toured Pearl Dairy Limited the producers of Lato milk and other dairy products. The facility has over 30 milk collection centers giving employment opportunities to youth and supplying locally in Uganda, East Africa and to other parts of the world.

Brig Gen Simon Ocan handing over a souvenir to the CEO of Pearl Dairy Farm Ltd Ms. Cecilie Jansen on 20 June 2022
National Defence College – Uganda is the highest military training institution in the country. This is the pioneer Course 1 having opened in January this year. The course lasts one year.

Brig Gen Kefa Nangeso handing over a souvenir to Col (Rtd) Dick Bugingo on 20 June 2022